BOTANIC Councillor Gary McKeown has expressed shock after two men were subject to a racist attack in South Belfast.

The victims were walking in Ebor Street, off Tates Avenue, on Sunday night between 9.30pm and 10.30pm when they were approached by three unknown males, dressed in dark coloured clothing, who began shouting racial abuse at them.

Police said the men started punching and kicking them before one of them produced a small flick-type knife .

One of the victims sustained an injury to his arm whilst putting his arms up to protect himself.

Both victims managed to run away from the scene.

SDLP man Gary McKeown said: “I'm very concerned at reports of a racist attack on two men, which should be fully condemned by everyone.

"There is no place for violence of any kind in our community, but the police considering this as having racist motivation is particularly concerning given the rise in similar incidents we have seen over the past few years.

“I’m also deeply concerned at reports that one of the attackers had a knife during this attack. We know that knife crime can often have tragic consequences, so this is very worrying. 

"Nobody should be carrying a weapon on our streets and this must have been a very frightening experience for the victims. My thoughts are with them.

“I would urge anyone with any information to come forward to police. We must send a clear message that racism in any form will not be tolerated and those behind this attack must be held responsible for their actions.

"They do not speak for the people of South Belfast which is proudly one of the most diverse places in the North.”

The PSNI's Inspector Anderson said: “An investigation to establish the circumstances of this incident, which we are treating as a racially-motivated hate crime, is ongoing, and we are appealing for witnesses to contact us.

“The number to call is 101, quoting reference number 58 of 20/05/24.”

"Alternatively, you can submit a report online using the non-emergency reporting form via

"You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at"