The economic benefits of a united Ireland will be discussed at major conference in Belfast this Friday.
Sinn Féin’s Commission on the Future of Ireland will return to the Europa Hotel to host a discussion on Irish unity and the all island economy. The event will be independently chaired by Cathy Gormley-Heenan, Professor of Politics at Ulster University and former member of the north’s Independent Fiscal Commission.
The panel for the discussion will consist of Sinn Féin’s senior finance spokespersons Pearse Doherty TD, Caoimhe Archibald MLA and Conor Murphy MLA.
Speaking ahead of the event Conor Murphy MLA, who is Minister for the Economy at Stormont, said the scale of the discussion around constitutional change has never been higher, adding that it’s now a mainstream topic of conversation among citizens.
“As that conversation deepens, people are increasingly questioning what Irish unity might mean for our island economy and for their own financial situation," he said.  “In the past civic and business leaders such as Sir George Quigley, a Presbyterian, argued that regardless of how Ireland was governed, it made sense for such a small island to operate as a single economic unit.

“I believe that this can only be properly realized when economic decisions that affect this island are made by people here and not by the political class in Britain, many of whom have never set foot in Ireland. London will always rule in London’s interest, we need to rule ourselves in our own interests."

Mr Murphy said that as a result of membership of the EU single market and the cross-border institutions established by the Good Friday Agreement, all-Ireland trade has been developing for decades.  

"It has been turbo charged by Brexit and shows no signs of diminishing.


“However, with the north tied to Britain’s economic model and its problems of low productivity and low growth, for many years economic performance in the south has surpassed that of the north.

“In this context it is apparent that being tied to Britain does not deliver a strong economy in the north."

He added: “Modelling by the eminent Professor Kurt Hubner shows that the economic boost delivered by unity would quickly eliminate the north’s subvention, which is often cited as a barrier to reunification.

“Professor John Doyle of Dublin City University has published quite extensively on the subvention. He also states that, in reality, the low level of the subvention, when it is properly calculated, means that the economic opportunities provided by reunification outweigh the north’s fiscal deficit."

Mr Murphy said that Irish unity has become "even more economically necessary" as a result of the British Government’s decision to leave the EU, "removing the north against the expressed wishes of the electorate".

“Thankfully the protocol protects the all-Ireland economy by keeping the whole of the island in the EU market for goods," he added. “Cross-border trade is surging, and now there is a degree of certainty on our trading arrangements, it is time to build upon this success. However we must go further.

“The best economic scenario would be a reunified all-Ireland economy which combines the best of the south and the best of the north. That is where the conversation needs to go.

“The Irish Government must begin to plan and prepare for constitutional change. It should establish an all island Citizens’ Assembly and Oireachtas committee to discuss Irish unity and bring forward a detailed plan and program of work. This should include publishing an economic plan for unity.

“All of these matters will be discussed at our Commission event on June 28th. I encourage anyone who is a member of the business community, a trade union member or involved in community wealth building, or if you have an interest in improving people's lives then please come along to this exciting event."

This will be the Commission on the Future of Ireland’s 16th public event, and the fourth in Belfast, since it was initiated by Sinn Féin in 2022.

Registration for the conference is via the Eventbrite website and can be accessed through