18:15 Final count in Titanic

That brings an end to the count here in the Titanic Exhibition Centre. 

18.10: WATCH: North Belfast Assembly election 2022- Official annoucement.

Your five North Belfast MLAs are Gerry Kelly (Sinn Féin), Carál Ní Chuilín (Sinn Féin), Phillip Brett (DUP), Brian Kingston (DUP) and Nuala McAllister (Alliance).

17:59 NORTH BELFAST: Nuala McAllister (Alliance) elected 

17:58 NORTH BELFAST: Nichola Mallon (SDLP) eliminated

17:57 NORTH BELFAST: Brian Kingston (DUP) elected

17:34 NORTH BELFAST: Count continues

The North Belfast count is the last remaining here at the Titanic Exhibition Centre.


Nuala McAllister is now 873.77 votes ahead of SDLP's Nichola Mallon. DUP's Brian Kingston remains on course for second DUP seat. Transfers of Ron McDowell to come next.

16:48: NORTH BELFAST: Ron McDowell (TUV) eliminated.

16.45: NORTH BELFAST: Phillip Brett (DUP) elected.

16:40 West Belfast MLAs declared

16:28 EAST BELFAST: David Brooks (DUP) and Andy Allen (UUP) elected.

The election count in East Belfast is concluded. The five MLAs are: Naomi Long (Alliance), Peter McReynolds (Alliance), Joanne Bunting (DUP), David Brooks (DUP) and Andy Allen (UUP).

16:26 EAST BELFAST: Brian Smyth (Green Party) eliminated.

16:25 Final figures for West Belfast

16:22 Carroll and Sheehan elected without meeting the quota in West Belfast

16:21 McCoubrey eliminated in West Belfast

16:21 Reilly elected in West Belfast


Alliance's Nuala McAllister leads SDLP's Nichola Mallon by 422 votes following Mal O'Hara's transfers. Corr-Johnston transfers to come next. There remains just two MLAs elected so far- Sinn Féin's Gerry Kelly and Carál Ní Chuilín were elected on Friday.

15:19 NORTH BELFAST: Julie-Ann Corr-Johnston eliminated.

UUP candidate Julie-Ann Corr-Johnston has been eliminated following stage 9 of the count. No new candidates have been elected. #AE22

14:46 East Belfast: TUVs Ross eliminated 

13:56 Flynn celebrates return

13:53 West Belfast: scores on the doors (Stage 10)

13:47 West BelfastPaul Doherty eliminated at count 10

13:47 Flynn elected in West Belfast

13:14 NORTH BELFAST: Mal O'Hara eliminated in North Belfast.

Following the previous exclusion of Fiona Ferguson, Green Party candidate Mal O'Hara has been eliminated.  Alliance's Nuala McAllister now leads the SDLP's Nichola Mallon by 99.23 votes. O'Hara transfers to come next.

12:59 Peter McReynolds has been elected to serve East Belfast

12:04 O'Donnell eliminated in East Belfast

11:55 State of play in West Belfast

11:50 Herdman eliminated in West Belfast

11:49 Murphy eliminated in West Belfast

11.19: NORTH BELFAST- Fiona Ferguson (PBP) eliminated.

11:05 South Belfast -Kate Nicholl elected

When asked how she feels, Kate Nicholl said that she is worried that she might go into labour.

11:04 Clare Bailey eliminated

10:36 NORTH BELFAST: Billy Hutchinson eliminated. Alliance's Nuala McAllister ahead of SDLP's Nichola Mallon by 253.74 votes. Stage 7 will be exclusion of Billy Hutchinson.

10:35 Lauren Kerr eliminated in East Belfast

10:32 SOUTH BELFAST: Paula Bradshaw (Alliance) Elected as MLA

10.30 NORTH BELFAST- Aontú candidate Seán MacNiocaill eliminated.

10:00 Donnamarie Higgins eliminated in West Belfast


09:21 Counting resumes across the Belfast constituencies

Maidin mhaith. Counting has resumed across the Belfast constituencies and our team will be here until the last seat is declared.

We have nine candidates left fighting in West Belfast for four seats. In South Belfast we have three candidates fighting for two seats. In North Belfast we have nine candidates battling for three seats and in East Belfast there are seven candidates fighting for the last three seats.

23:30 Counting has been suspended for all constituencies for tonight, see you all tomorrow for the final seats in Belfast.

23:27 SOUTH BELFAST: Matthew O'Toole (SDLP) elected.

Matthew O'Toole (SDLP) has been elected MLA for South Belfast. Stephen McCarthy (UUP) has been eliminated from the count.

23:13 EAST BELFAST: Karl Bennett eliminated 

22:20 Belfast West count suspended

With nine candidates still fighting for four seats, counting in the Belfast West constituency has been suspended and will resume at 9am tomorrow.

22:19 Jordan Doran eliminated in West Belfast


Edwin Poots (DUP) has been elected MLA for South Belfast after reaching the quota on the fifth round of counting. Elsie Trainor (SDLP) has been eliminated from the count.


22:02 Hannah Kenny eliminated in East Belfast.

21:30 Linsey Gibson has been eliminated in West Belfast.

21:08 South BELFAST: Andrew Girvin (TUV) eliminated.

21:03 NORTH BELFAST: Stafford Ward (IND) eliminated.

Following the surplus of Carál Ní Chuilín MLA, Alliance's Nuala McAllister's lead over SDLP's Nichola Mallon is 385.93. Stafford Ward transfers to come next.

20:53 Scores on the Doors in West Belfast

This is how things stand at the end of stage 5. Stage 6 will see the distribution of Stevie Maginn's transfers.

20:47 Stevie Maginn eliminated in West Belfast

20:25 EAST BELFAST- Charlotte Carson (SDLP) eliminated. No more candidates elected yet.

19:48 Gerard Burns eliminated in West Belfast


The third count of South Belfast has just been announced. No other candidates are through to be elected yet. Luke McCann of Aontú and Sipho Sibanda of People Before Profit have now been eliminated from the count.


End of Stage 3 following exclusion of Lily Kerr- no more candidates elected or eliminated. Next stage is surplus of Carál Ní Chuilín MLA.

19:12 Belfast West Stage 3


Elected Sinn Féin MLA Deidre Hargey celebrates with Michelle O'Neill, Sinn Féin Senator Niall Ó Donnghaile, and former South Belfast MLA Máirtín Ó Muilleoir.


Chief Electoral Officer Virginia McVea has told media here at the Titanic Exhibition Centre that the count will continue into a second day tomorrow. Counting to finish at around 11pm tonight before returning at 9am on Saturday.

18:37 SOUTH BELFAST: Edwin Poots chats with Loyalist blogger Jamie Bryson after the second round of counting.

Mr Poots currently needs 607 votes to be elected in the South of the city.

18.33: NORTH BELFAST: Alliance's Nuala McAllister remains ahead of SDLP's Nichola Mallon at this stage.


18:04: EAST BELFAST: Eoin MacNeill eliminated

18.03: NORTH BELFAST: Lily Kerr eliminated from count.

18:03 Sinn Féin leadership have arrived at the count

18:03 Tony Mallon has been eliminated with 131.28 votes

18:03: Declan Hill has been eliminated with 26.3 votes

17:50 Deirdre Hargey's surplus votes have now been counted. No-one else has yet been deemed elected.

No other candidates have surpassed the quota of 7,824 needed to be elected. Elly Odhiambo (Independent), Paddy Lynn (Worker's Party) and Neil Moore (Socialist Party) have been eliminated from the count, and their surplus votes will now be counted and transferred.


15:55 SOUTH BELFAST: Below is a full list of all South Belfast first preference votes.

The next stage will now involve counting the surplus votes of Deirdre Hargey (Sinn Féin) who has been deemed elected.

15:44 SOUTH BELFAST: Deirdre Hargey (Sinn Féin) elected.

Deidre Hargey has received 9,511 votes and has been elected. The quota is 7,824.

15:40 EAST BELFAST: Naomi Long (Alliance) and Joanne Bunting (DUP) elected.

Alliance Party Leader Naomi Long is elected at the first count with 8,195 votes. The DUP's Joanne Bunting is elected with 7,253 votes. Quota: 7,209.

15:33. NORTH BELFAST: First preference votes in full. 

15:18 NORTH BELFAST: Carál Ní Chuilín (Sinn Féin) elected

Carál Ní Chuilín (Sinn Féin) elected on first count with 7,932 first-preference votes. Carál has reached the quota and is deemed elected.

15:15 NORTH BELFAST: Gerry Kelly (Sinn Féin) elected

Gerry Kelly (Sinn Féin) elected on first count with 8,395 first-preference votes. Gerry has reached the quota and is deemed elected.

15:08 Danny Baker elected on first count

Danny Baker received 9,011 votes. The quota for the Belfast West constituency is 7,278. Danny has reached the quota and is deemed elected. 

14:43 Gerry Carroll has been joined at the count by his baby

14:12 Naomi Long arrives at Belfast count

The Alliance leader and East Belfast candidate says it "isn't tenable" to treat those "who are neither unionist or nationalist like we don't count in these election".

"This was the opportunity to prove it, and hopefully people have done that," she adds.

Naomi Long arrives at the Titanic Exhibition Centre

Naomi Long arrives at the Titanic Exhibition Centre

13:57 East Belfast Final adjudication

Doubtful ballots are to be adjudicated for East Belfast in a few minutes' time. 

13:00 West Belfast Final adjudication

Candidates and election agents have been summoned to the doubtful ballots area for the final adjudication of the doubtful ballots in West Belfast.

12:34 East Belfast doubtful ballots.

The Deputy Returning Officer for East Belfast is set to adjudicate doubtful ballots in five minutes' time.

12:02 East Belfast Turnout declared.

The eligible electorate in East Belfast was 70,123. There were 43,840 votes in total, giving a percentage turnout of 62.52 per cent.

Turnout was up by a marginal 0.23 per cent from 62.29 per cent in 2017. The number of votes was up 3,483 from 40,357 in 2017. 

11:51 PBP join strike

11:49 UPDATE: revised figures for North Belfast

Eligible electorate: 75,801, Total votes polled: 46,796, Turnout: 61.74 per cent.

11:35 West Belfast turn out announced 

The eligible electorate in West Belfast was 68,727. The total polled was 44,440 giving a percentage turn out of 64.66 per cent.  

In 2017 there were 40,830 votes polled in the constituency with a turnout of 65.41 per cent.

11:30 South Belfast turn out announced

Turnout has now been announced in South Belfast. 47,306 people voted out of a total of 73,497 who were eligible. Voter turnout was 64.36 per cent, an improvement on 2017's turnout which was 63.96 per cent.

11:15 Counting ongoing for East Belfast.

Tallying for Belfast East is ongoing at the Titanic Exhibition Centre. Stick with us for updates throughout the day.

11:15 Edwin Poots arrives at the count

11:10 North Belfast turn out

Belfast North eligible electorate: 75,801. Total votes polled: 46,752. Turnout: 61.68 per cent.

10:50 Counting is underway

Stick with us throughout the day as we bring you live updates from the West Belfast count.

Polling stations closed at 10pm last night and large queues were recorded across Belfast.