STARTLING new evidence that proves state operatives deliberately branded the victims of the McGurk’s Bar Massacre as IRA members has been released to coincide with the 49th anniversary of the bombing.
The British Ministry of Defence (MoD) has finally released redacted information relating to the murder of 15 civilians in McGurk’s Bar on December 4, 1971.
The move comes following a targeted Freedom of Information request, Public Interest Test and complaint by a grandson of two of the victims.   
MoD fought the release of the information as it considered it a “risk to [British] Military capability, effectiveness and security”.
Following an appeal, Ciarán MacAirt, grandson of John and Kathleen Irvine, has since secured the information that proves the Office of the British Prime Minister and British Government were told lies about the victims.
Previously redacted information, featured in a report marked secret and dated December 15, 1971 from Defence Secretariat 10 (DS 10), states “two of those killed have been identified as members of the Brady IRA”.
“Brady IRA” denoted the Provisional wing of the IRA under Ruairí Ó Brádaigh. 
The report from DS10 was addressed to the Minister of State for Defence, Lord Balniel, and copies were distributed to the British Prime Minister and Home Office as well as key British Military staff and MoD Divisions.
It also records British Army and Royal Ulster Constabulary lies aimed at blaming the innocent victims of the atrocity and undermining an eyewitness who saw the bombers plant the bomb and escape in a car.
Previous evidence had proved General Sir Frank Kitson (then Brigadier) and the RUC colluded to push the police “line” that the bomb in the pub was designed to be picked up and used elsewhere by the Provisional IRA, but “went off by mistake”.
However, the new evidence, which confirms eyewitness testimony, reveals that the Ammunition Technical Officer (ATO) informed 39 Brigade and HQNI the morning after the explosion that: “ATO is convinced bomb was placed in entranceway on ground floor. The area is cratered and clearly was the seat of the explosion.”
Ciarán said: “Even after nearly half a century, the lies of the British Army and RUC and the lengths to which the British state will try to cover up those lies to this day, still hurt our grieving families and our campaign for truth. All of our loved ones were civilians and we have proved their innocence and the British state has been forced to admit their innocence.The British state, though, has not accounted for its deliberate lies.

Even after nearly half a century, the lies of the British Army and RUC and the lengths to which the British state will try to cover up those lies to this day, still hurt our grieving families and our campaign for truth. All of our loved ones were civilians and we have proved their innocence and the British state has been forced to admit their innocence.The British state, though, has not accounted for its deliberate lies.

 “It should be noted that none of the historic investigations into the atrocity by Police Service Northern Ireland, Historical Enquiries Team or Office Police Ombudsman found any of this critical evidence. Each and every investigation failed the families and helped perpetuate the cover-up.”
The full report findings have been released as part of a series of events to mark the 49th anniversary of the McGurk’s Bar Massacre.
Thursday night (December 3) saw the screening of an updated version of the acclaimed documentary, The McGurk's Bar Bombing: Loss of Innocence, at 7pm.
Robert McClenaghan, whose grandfather Philip Garry was killed in the Massacre, stated: “The 49th anniversary is on the 4th of December, so we’ve had 49 years of campaigning for truth and justice.
“We’re now at the point where we’re trying to get a second inquest or to get the Police Ombudsman’s office involved to update the campaign."

The McGurk's Bar Bombing: Post-Script report will also be relaunched to include new evidence.
Families of the victims also held a private wreath-laying ceremony at the former site of McGurk’s Bar on Friday.
For further info or to tune in for the film screening visit