POLICE are investigating after an armed robbery of a North Belfast shop on Sunday.

A man entered the shop on the Antrim Road after 7.30pm yesterday and threatened a staff member with a suspected firearm.

Detective Sergeant Ash said: “He stood in line waiting to be served – and then moved towards the staff member – pointing the weapon towards her and demanded money from the till.

“The suspect made a further demand for cigarettes that were also placed in a bag. He then made off from the scene on foot with the cash and cigarettes. 

“An extensive search of the area was carried out by officers to try and detain the suspect, who is believed to be in his mid-30s, of average build with a moustache, and approximately 5’ 10”. He was also wearing a grey hoodie, black hat, black trousers and black shoes with a white sole.

“Although there were no reports of any physical injuries, this was a frightening ordeal for this staff member and those who were in the shop at the time.

“Enquiries are continuing and anyone who witnessed what happened or noticed anything suspicious in the area is asked to contact 101, quoting reference number 1393 21/07/24.

“We are also keen to hear from anyone with CCTV or other footage that could assist with our investigation.”