A BRAND new year brings with it the promise of New Year resolutions and goals. Why not make your goal a financial one? It can be as big or small as you want it to be, and SAG Credit Union are here to help you get there.

Money is a tool that can help you achieve your goals. It can provide stability for your family and make it easier to plan for the future. Although managing money can seem complicated, it really doesn’t have to be. 

SAG Credit Union staff can provide you with information to help you improve your financial wellbeing. They can chat to you about your circumstances and guide you through the steps you can take to make your money work for you.

They understand that your financial goal for 2024 will be personal to you. It could be anything from saving for a dream holiday, paying off debt or borrowing so you can improve your home. Achieving your goal is all about progress – not perfection.


Taking some steps towards where you want to be is better than taking none – and you will be surprised at just how much those small steps matter once you start to take them.
So what are you waiting for? Speak to SAG Credit Union staff and start getting your money’s worth today.
