POPULAR West Belfast photographer and mental health campaigner John Mallon has  returned to the Kennedy Centre after he was forced to close his stall on the mall earlier this year. 

John set up 'Beauty On Our Doorstep' nine years ago and had only planned on opening for a few weeks, however after almost a decade of selling his photography, the rising cost of materials meant that the stall was no longer viable in the short term.

"It was a tough decision because when you have been here so long, you get to know everyone, we have had customers give birth, get married, pass away and even get divorced," he said.

"The same materials were costing me an extra £700 to what I was paying for them three years ago. We would give out a lot of mental health advice and always tell people not to put themselves under pressure so we had to take our own advice.

"I hadn't expected such a response when I announced that I was leaving and as a matter of fact, it was quite overwhelming and it helped me make the decision that when the time was right, I would be back."

John said that after meeting with Kennedy Centre's General Manager, John Jones, the centre vowed to do everything they could to get him back on the mall.

"I can't thank John and the Kennedy Centre enough for their support. It broke my heart leaving and while I can't predict the future, I will do my upmost to stay.

"Beauty On Our Doorstep really took on a life of its own and people got to know of my mental health work and would have called by for a chat. I shared my own story with them and they opened up to me too.

"A lot of lonely people come into the centre. I know in my darkest times I would have spent a lot of time in places like the Kennedy Centre because I didn't want to be on my own. I was afraid to be on my own.

"The thing with photography is that the camera can take you to so many beautiful places. 

"I locked myself away and drunk alcohol. When I finally made the choice to ask for help, I went out for walks, I then picked up the camera and from that Beauty On Our Doorstep was born.

"People who have called by the stall are now out doing the same thing themselves."

Welcoming John's return to the centre, Kennedy Centre Manager John Jones said: "John's presence has been hugely beneficial to the centre and since he left we have been inundated with requests asking if he was coming back.

"He plays a vital role in the local community and is much more than just a normal stall on the Mall.

"Beauty On Our Doorstep is a meeting place for people within the community. We look forward to welcoming him back."