A RESIDENTS' group behind a legal challenge to the proposed redevelopment of Casement Park in Andersonstown has expressed its disappointment after its case was dismissed. 

Mooreland and Owenvarragh Residents’ Association (MORA) had taken a judicial review against former Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon's decision, taken in July 2021, to approve the GAA's proposal for a new 34,578 capacity stadium at the Andersonstown venue.

Solicitors representing the residents' group had argued that Ms Mallon had acted in breach of the Ministerial Code by granting planning permission for the redevelopment without consent from Executive colleagues.

On Tuesday, High Court judge Mr Justice Humphreys dismissed the challenge, ruling that Ministers had been briefed and that there was "no evidence" that they disagreed with Ms Mallon's decision. 

MORA's Tony Dignan said residents were "very disappointed with today's ruling".

"At this time, we need to study the judgement in more detail before making any further comment," he added.

Donal O'Hara, who was amongst a group of local residents lobbying for the redevelopment of the GAA venue, welcomed today's decision. 

"This will be brilliant for the area," he said. 

"It's going to bring jobs in, it's going to enhance the area, and it'll be better than the eyesore that's there now. It'll be a top-of-range stadium so it can't be anything but good for the area."

He added: "Now that it's over the line, hopefully they can start the building work soon, get it finished, and let the kids of the area get back to playing in Casement Park."

West Belfast MP Paul Maskey said the court ruling is "fantastic for the local area" and the wider GAA community.

"We have been working on this redevelopment for many years and it is great that it will take a major step forward towards completion," the Sinn Féin man said.

"Not only will the state-of-the-art new stadium be a home for Antrim GAA, but it will also create jobs and help grow the local economy in West Belfast.

"I want to pay tribute to everyone involved in making this happen and look forward to the completion and opening of this fantastic new stadium."