SOUTH Belfast MLA Deirdre Hargey has called on the Department for Infrastructure to remove loyalist flags from Ormeau Road.

The Communities Minister said those responsible for erecting the flags are attempting to "intimidate" residents in the mixed Ballynafeigh area.

"The appearance of flags put up by loyalists on the Ormeau Road is very concerning, particularly as they are in a mixed area used by the entire community," she said.

"This is a clear attempt to mark out territory and intimidate people and it cannot be allowed to succeed. 

Flags have been erected on the Ormeau Road

Flags have been erected on the Ormeau Road

“Local people have made it clear time and time again that they do not want flags erected in this area. 

“If those responsible for putting up these flags do not remove them, then the Department for Infrastructure should act.”

It comes as loyalist flags have been erected in other mixed areas of Belfast and Lisburn in recent weeks.

In 2018, the Ballynafeigh area became the subject of a so-called loyalist flags protocol, which attempted to address issue of paramilitary flags.

Under the protocol, only union and 'Ulster' flags are to be erected, with flags put up in June and removed by mid-September. 

The protocol was agreed by loyalists without consultation with local residents. has contacted the Department for Infrastructure and is awaiting a response.