I DON’T make New Year resolutions simply because I can never keep them. However, a New Year can help kick-start new beginnings and a new season – and I’m always up for that. 

Instead of New Year resolutions, I tend to choose a word. Some refer to it as, ‘one word for the year’ or ‘one-word resolutions’.  The idea is that you choose one word that captures how you want to step into the New Year and your aim is to focus on it. 

My word for 2022 was ‘resilience’. I do not believe we are born resilient. It is often through the curveballs thrown at us throughout our lives that we tend to develop a deep resilience within us. Nothing we ever go through is wasted. 

It's safe to say that 2022 had many ups and downs; there were lots of changes, times of uncertainty, lots of tears and laughter, plenty of opportunities to grow and to practise resilience. Therefore, as I step into 2023, I want to focus on ‘prayer’. Prayer to me is simply having a conversation with God, cracking open my heart, and being completely myself before Him. I want to take more time out of my busy schedule to pray, whether that be while walking, on a beach, in the car, or wherever. As we step into this New Year, I want to offer this prayer for you:

I pray for strength in whatever you are facing, that you will know and sense the presence of God.
I pray for healing from whatever broke you – the pain, the loss, the illness, the grief. 
I pray for friendship with people who stand with and for you, that you may know that you are not alone and you are surrounded by love.
I pray for clarity in your confusion, that the fog of uncertainty will lift and things will become clearer to you.
I pray for courage in your decisions, to have the courage to say yes, and even to have the courage to say no. 
I pray for peace in whatever 2023 throws at you.

Remember, anyone can pray, anyone can talk to God. ‘Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.’ (Phil 4:6-7.)

Friends, as you read this article, I am currently recovering from being unwell, and so I am taking some time off. However, I wrote these words a number of weeks ago, and wanted to share them with you as you step into what I hope is a very happy New Year.