THE West Belfast Partnership Board are celebrating 21 years of the Aisling Bursaries as applications have reopened once again.
The bursaries were first established in 2000 to provide financial support to students from West Belfast to help make their dreams of taking up further and higher education or training a reality and to fulfil their life ambitions for securing a fulfilling career.

The Aisling Bursaries also highlight the importance the business community attaches to the development of education and training in West Belfast.
Year on year, individuals, local families, businesses and international organisations contribute bursaries of either £500 or £1,000 to support students and help them defray the costs of education and training.
The donations are not only an incredible gesture of generosity but also a vote of confidence in the recipients of the Bursaries and a real investment in the local community, one family, one person at a time. 

Since launching, £691,500 has been distributed through the scheme to 858 students.
Thanking those who have donated to the Aisling Bursaries, West Belfast Partnership Board’s Education Manager, Angie Mervyn said: “We are absolutely delighted that our 2021 Aisling Bursaries are now open.

“We have huge social capital and great community pride here in West Belfast and we are really delighted and truly very proud that we are now in our 21st year of the Bursaries.

“West Belfast is a font of innovation and excellence, which is recognised by those sponsors who continue to support the Aisling Bursaries year on year.”

Detailing the impact of the Bursaries on the local community, Angie continued: “Over the last two decades we have had over 60 local and city wide businesses, families and community organisations who have donated an amazing £691,000 to 858 recipients. 

“What I really love about the Aisling Bursaries is that they make such a difference to lives of ordinary people in West Belfast and how everyone who receives a Bursary is given the opportunity to carry on with their education and life-long learning journey and to defray the cost of education. 

“We have fantastic talent here in West Belfast and we are always very proud when the recipients put in their applications with the courses that they want to study. 

“Over the years there have been a range of courses from Childcare to Criminology to Acting and the Arts – a plethora of courses from vocational to Masters level.”

Discussing the hope that the awards have given to the community, Angie added: “Every year when the Aisling Bursaries are awarded, they give our community great hope – they are about investing in our fantastic community and helping recipients to seize the opportunity to study.

“Congratulations to all our previous recipients over the last 20 years, many of whom are now sponsors, and good luck with your applications in 2021!”
To be eligible for an Aisling Bursary applicants must be a resident in the West Belfast Parliamentary Constituency, preparing to study or be currently studying on a full-time or part-time further education, higher education or vocational training course and at least 18 years of age on 1 July 2021.

Applications can be downloaded from WBPB website or by calling their office on 08290 809202 to request an emailed application form.