DEAR Editor,

There’s not a week that goes by that I don’t sit down to catch up on the Andersonstown News, keeping me in touch with home. But lately, all I seem to see is more and more reports of racist activity, graffiti, damage to people’s cars etc. It’s beyond disgusting.

I’m calling on the people of West Belfast to stand up and be counted. Condemnation is one thing, but action needs to be taken before this gets any worse. I’m especially sickened by the “C18” graffiti—Combat 18 (the 18 refers to Adolf Hitler’s initials), a British neo-Nazi group, also linked to Chelsea and Rangers hooligans. Is this what we want on our streets?

West Belfast spent decades fighting uniformed vermin like this, and it would be an absolute disgrace to let them sneak in through the back door now. Time to send a clear message, this isn’t welcome here, and it never will be.

By the way, to our C18 brethren. If you believe in this so strongly, come out, be proud to show your faces and argue your case. Don’t hide. Be Irish.   

Jim Maguire

Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain