THE Department for Infrastructure has apologised after a number of residents living on Broadway area of West Belfast were issued with fines for parking outside their own homes.

People Before Profit MLA Gerry Carroll was contacted by residents who received the fines.

“These fines came as a huge shock to people who have parked at their own front doors for years without issue," he explained. "I have contacted the Department for Infrastructure which has agreed to immediately suspend enforcement.

“Officials have informed us that they will review fines that have already been issued on a case-by-case basis. I will continue to pressure them to cancel and rescind these fines.

"I would encourage residents who have a fine outstanding or have already paid a fine, to get in touch with my office so that we can assist with this matter. People Before Profit will work to have all fines revoked and refunds issued to those who may have already paid."

The Department for Infrastructure apologised for the fines and said the issue was caused by a 'signage error'.

A Department for Infrastructure spokesperson said: “Due to a signage error a number of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) were issued incorrectly on the west side of Broadway by Traffic Attendants on February 20 and 21.

"Enforcement was immediately suspended once the Department became aware of the error. We apologise for the inconvenience that this has caused, and the Department will cancel those PCNs that were issued incorrectly.

"However, if anyone receives a PCN Notice to Owner (NTO) from the Department and feels that this was issued incorrectly please contact the Department by following the instructions on the reverse of the NTO.”