RESIDENTS in Gort na Móna say uneven road surface on the Monagh By-Pass is sending vibrations through their homes and is impacting their quality of life.

Gort na Móna heights residents said the vibrations occur when vehicles are driving down the Bypass. The vibrations are impacting their sleep and are disturbing them in their homes. 

“The vibrations start about 6 o’clock in the morning, if there is any heavy vehicles on the By-Pass,” resident Marion Doherty said.

“There are four bumps on the Monagh By-Pass, my house is out on the back of the By-Pass. The stress is unbelievable, and you don’t get a night’s sleep. When the grandkids are here they’re terrified because they don’t understand the noises that is waking them up in the middle of the night.”

Marion reported that the vibrations began at the end of last summer and that they hadn’t any issues before that.

“This morning, I was lying in bed, and it started at five past six and went on right up until about quarter-past seven and I ended up just getting up. It’s horrendous.”

Sinn Féin Councillor Michael Donnelly said he is working to resolve the issue and ensure it is rectified. 

“There’s an unevenness on the road. It’s like a mini speed bump but local residents in Gort na Móna have said as vehicles are driving down the Monagh By-Pass it is sending vibrations, shock waves through their homes," he said.

"It is keeping people awake at night time, it’s disturbing them and a real annoyance for local residents. It is having an impact on local residents’ quality of life in the Gort na Móna estate.

“We want to get to the bottom of it. It was never there before, now it is here. It’s about getting the Department for Infrastructure out to rectify it and resolve the issue as soon as possible. The amount and volume of cars that go up and down the Monagh by Pass every day is constant, so it is just to try and get it resolved.”

A spokesperson for the Department for Infrastructure said: “The Department has received a report of a noise related issue at this location. An engineer has investigated, and the issue has been passed to the relevant utility company who carried out this work for its attention.”