A FALLS councillor has welcomed news that a number of alley gates will be installed over the summer across the Clonard and Springfield Road area.

Alley gates help to improve residential areas through reducing anti-social behaviour, fly-tipping and increase residents' feeling of improved security in their own homes.

The latest roll-out by Belfast City Council will include new alley gates in the following areas:

Dunlewey Street/Odessa Street

Clonard Street/Waterford Street

Gortfin Street/Iris Drive

Sinn Féin Councillor Claire Canavan welcomed the latest alley gate scheme for West Belfast.

“I very much welcome the installation of alley gates in the Clonard and Springfield Road area which will help to address some particularly problematic hotspots and improve the quality of life for residents," she said.

An alley gate in Forfar Street

An alley gate in Forfar Street

“Alley gates have proven to be really effective in reducing anti-social behaviour and nuisance which can have a considerable impact upon residents.

“I look forward to the erection of alley gates in other parts of the area after the consultation process with residents has concluded."