COLIN Men’s Shed manager Umberto Scappaticci has spoken of his 'delight' after a funding boost saw a new ukulele band tune up for the future. 
“People always wonder what we actually do here," he said. "We come together five days a week doing different activities. On a Monday we have an arts or music class, Tuesday we have our weekly yarn together up at the allotment and it’s a bit of fun and the men get together just to talk.
“We have arranged a day with Brooke Activity Leisure Centre for the men to have swimming lessons, badmington and other sports, including bowls and table tennis. Some of the guys have never learned skills such as swimming and we try to help them tick it off their bucket list.”
The Colin Men's shed is one of a growing number of men’s sheds across Belfast providing forum for members to socialise and learn new skills. Colin Men's Shed is one of the most popular and a lot of its success is down to how the community club is open to all men of different ages.
“We get men of all ages, our youngest is 28 and our oldest is 87, and they all have brilliant craic. One thing I will say is we are always looking more members, but you have to be thick-skinned in our club, that's for certain," smiled Umberto.
“Obviously we are a community hub, so our main aim is to help out with all and any community projects that we are asked to do, from craftsmanship projects to building projects – we do it all."

He said the £10,000 grant from the National Lottery has already begun to help improve upon some of the activities that they do.
“We have already bought ukuleles and have Brian McAlea coming in on a Monday to teach the men how to play the instruments, which I think is fantastic. We also are able to begin our long-awaited art projects, including canvas painting, alongside promoting our brand-new mindfulness programme."

Colin's Men Shed have begun their Ukulele classes

Colin's Men Shed have begun their Ukulele classes


The club includes retired workers and widowers as the Men's Shed provides an invaluable resource for those who have found a gap in their lives through either the end of their working lives or the loss of a partner.
“Our aim is to help get men back out into normal life and give them a purpose. We even have cookery classes to help men develop some independency when it comes to essential life skills. We cover all bases and offer something for everyone to enjoy and feel part of something," said Umberto.
The Colin Men’s Shed is always open to new members. If you're interested in getting involved contact the Colin Neighbourhood Partnership on 028 9062 3813 or email