FORMER DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson has been sent for trial over allegations of historical sex offences.

Mr Donaldson (61) of Dublinhill Road, Dromore, appeared at a preliminary enquiry hearing in Newry Magistrates' Court on Wednesday morning.

He is accused of 18 offences involving two alleged victims. The charges are rape, four counts of gross indecency and 13 counts of indecent assault.

His wife, Eleanor Donaldson (58) is a co-accused and faces five charges of aiding and abetting in connection with the alleged offences between 1985 and 2008.

Both accused appeared in the dock during a three-minute hearing on Wednesday. During proceedings, both defendants were asked if they wished to say anything in respect of the charges.

Jeffrey Donaldson replied: “Not at this stage.” His wife responded: “No”.

District Judge Eamonn King said: “I am satisfied, on the basis of the papers before the court, there is a prima facie case to answer.”

Both will appear at Newry Crown Court on September 10 for an arraignment hearing ahead of their trial.

Both accused remain on bail.