ODD socks are coming to a school near you to help promote anti-bullying week which takes place from Monday – with last year’s winners Holy Child Primary School leading the way.

Other schools in the area are being asked to get involved to have some fun, and promote the message against bullying by highlighting how every person is unique, and how we should all be tolerant and kind towards one another.

Kieran Austin, Principal, Holy Child Primary School, said: “We are so thrilled to have been chosen as one of the winners from the 2021 ‘Odd Socks Day’ campaign. Our children were asked to wear their odd socks into school to celebrate that it is ok to be different.

“We look forward to once again taking part in celebrating ‘Odd Socks Day’ on Monday 14th November. As a school we have been taking part in ‘Odd Socks Day’ for a number of years. It is always a fun day where the children can celebrate the anti-bullying message and explore differences. Each class takes part in their own way by taking photos or making fun videos to showcase the odd socks they have chosen to wear. Staff are encouraged to take part and the children love to see the socks their teachers and assistants have selected.

“We further develop an understanding of the anti-bullying message throughout the week with a variety of lessons from art to circle time. We like to tune into the Anti-Bullying/‘Odd Socks Day’ assembly in our classrooms.”

Speaking about this year’s Anti-Bullying Week, Aoife Nic Colaim from Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum (NIABF), added: “Bullying affects millions of lives and can leave us feeling hopeless. But it doesn’t have to be this way. If we challenge it, we can change it. And it starts by reaching out, which is the theme of this year’s event. 

“It’s a pleasure to be able to bring back our annual event to support those in schools, homes and communities here to reach out and support one another to end the bullying cycle. We all have a role to play; every member of the community must take a stance through behaviour and set good example.”