DURING the last Westminster election I asked People Before Profit to justify how could they, as an Irish socialist party, attend Westminster and swear an oath of allegiance to a monarchy. I got no reply. 

This time I have an additional question. 

I repeat my questions above but I have to add, how can People Before Profit attend Westminster given that the British Parliament is directly involved in the genocide in Gaza? 

The British supply the Israeli government with arms and fly spy planes above Gaza. 

Mr Carroll's posters around West Belfast mention America but do not mention Westminster who are an equal participant in the genocide. 

Are PBP serious, are they taking us for fools? Do they not understand or know the part the British parliament played in this genocide historically? They actually created the problem through the Balfour Declaration. 

The PBP position is total double think, some would say hypocrisy. 

So People Before Profit, are you simply using the Gaza genocide for narrow political advantage? If you are serious about Gaza, boycott Westminster. 

Please reply to this letter as the electorate of West Belfast needs an explanation regarding your double standards in relation to this issue.

Patrick Mulhern 
