A 'WORK IN' occupation aimed at preventing the closure of a West Belfast women's hostel has ended. 

Unite the Union members occupied Regina Coeli House following revelations that it was due to shut. The decision was taken by a Management Committee that operated the Legion of Mary-owned facility. 

Yesterday, the workers ended their protest and claimed a victory in their fight "to safeguard supported accommodation for vulnerable and homeless women."

They said the Department for Communities and Housing Executive have announced "an enhanced and expanded service for homeless women, including a women's only hostel" which will be "funded and available in May".

During their occupation, workers were suspended and faced the threat of legal action. They were later sacked by the Management Committee. They had called on the Legion of Mary to hand the hostel over to public use, with services provided by the Housing Executive. 

Announcing the end of the occupation, Regina Coeli worker Emma McCann said: “Our position has always been that the Legion of Mary should do the right thing and hand this building over, that the management committee should step back and let this happen – shamefully they didn’t do this.

“That management committee acted in a brutal way, threatening workers with legal action and sacking workers two days before redundancy payments were due to kick in – we are glad they are no longer in charge of this vital lifesaving service.

“We would have liked the political establishment and the Housing Executive to be brave enough to run this service directly but we recognise that we have won a significant victory by ensuring that the service will not only continue, albeit at a different venue, but will be expanded.”

People Before Profit Cllr Fiona Ferguson said: "It has been a privilege to stand with the women who have occupied the Regina Coeli Hostel. They refused to accept the loss of a vital service for women, and they are heroes in my eyes."