A PROMINENT member of the Workers' Party Republican Clubs has been remembered on his 50th anniversary.
Sean Fox (32), also an Official IRA member, was ambushed and shot dead in the Divis Flats area by the INLA breakaway group on February 25, 1975.
Sean and two friends were taking a short cut into the city centre when gunmen hiding on the balcony of Divis Flats opened fire, hitting Sean and fatally wounding him. His friends escaped unhurt.
Terence Carberry from Workers' Party Republican Clubs said: "At the time of his death, Sean and his friends posed absolutely no physical threat to the gang who killed him.
"The ambush sent shockwaves through the ranks of the Official Republican Movement.
"Sean was well respected for his role in the movement both politically and militarily, and his family were devastated at his murder by renegades who defied the leadership of the Republican Clubs, who were attempting to forge a new way forward.
"Sean was given a military funeral, with Cathal Goulding giving the oration. What followed was a dark and bloody period in our history.
"The Republican Clubs maintained their socialist and anti-sectarian political positions, and were instrumental in the Official IRA ceasefire that was to be announced. Sadly, not everyone agreed and some went on to continue their sectarian campaign.
"Sean's death was a huge loss to our organisation, his leadership and integrity are sadly missed to this day.
"On his 50th anniversary, we proudly remember him and his contribution to republican socialist politics."