ALMOST £2 million is set to be invested in the Twinbrook area with news that a new Irish language community and family centre – Ionad na Fuiseoige – has been given planning permission.
Ionad na Fuiseoige which is home to Naíscoil na Fuiseoige, a crèche and provides classes for parents, is set to undergo the transformation over the next two years. Manager of the centre Teresa Brady said the funding will not only transform the facilities for the children who all transfer to the nearby Scoil na Fuiseoige, but the long term plan is to have a mini Cultúrlann offering a wide range of services including language, music, dance and drama.
Newly co-opted MLA Órlaithí Flynn said: "I want to first of all commend Teresa Brady for her single-minded determination to ensure this project reached this stage.
“What Teresa has already achieved in Ionad na Fuiseoige is remarkable and this new development will be a huge boost to the Irish language speaking community in the Colin area. I also want to thank all the funders who made this happen. And I know the local community are looking forward to this new chapter in the ongoing revival of the Irish language in the Colin area and across Belfast."