West Belfast and North Belfast has the lowest number of small businesses in the North, according to new research.

New stats by confectioners Geraldo’s analysed data to find out which areas of the North have the most small and micro businesses.

They analysed data produced for a House of Commons report, which detailed a breakdown of businesses by size in each UK constituency.

Using the data, they were able to find out which areas had the most businesses with 0-4 employees, as well as what percentage of the overall businesses in the area fell into this category.

The data found that West Belfast had the lowest number of small businesses with just 1,275, followed by North Belfast with 1,540.

At the other end of the scale, Fermanagh and South Tyrone had the highest amount of small businesses with 6,725 located within the area. This was followed by West Tyrone with 5,670.

Responding to the figures, Neil Allen, from the Innovation Factory on the Springfield Road, which offers a home to innovative freelancers, start-ups and growing businesses said: "Low numbers of small businesses in West and North Belfast is no doubt linked to economic deprivation. We need much more flexible funding initiatives for small businesses. 

"There is a direct link between education, digital skills and business start-up rates."