PEOPLE from across Belfast took to the streets at the weekend to show their solidarity with the people of Palestine following a week of airstrikes by the Israeli government in Gaza.
The demonstrations which included a white line picket at the International Wall and a march from Castle Street to City Hall coincided with Nakba Day, which commemorates the displacement of more than 700,000 Palestinians with the creation of the state of Israel 73 years ago.
The Palestinian protest has kicked off at Castle Street and is en route to the BBC Building
— Brendan Harkin (@brendanjharkin) May 15, 2021
Ciara Hawkins from BDS Belfast, who organised the Castle Street demonstration said people wanted to channel their anger at the Israeli bombing campaign.
“We have had protests before but we were shocked to see how many people turned out on Saturday. People wanted to express their solidarity.
“We tried to coordinate our demonstration with similar marches taking place in England and across Europe at the same time.
“From speaking to friends in Palestine, they are just over the moon with the support they have had from the people of Belfast. They know that they have our support and they are thankful for it.”
[Photo Tjread]
— Brendan Harkin (@brendanjharkin) May 15, 2021
Belfast Solidarity with Palestine
Ciara added: “We are trying to make people aware of the products and companies that the BDS movement in Palestine are calling on the international community to boycott.
“We have also done a good bit of work on the ‘Give Puma the Boot’ campaign and were successful in getting Donegal Celtic to sign up to the campaign.
“The best way for people to come together and support the people of Palestine is under the BDS banner. That is what the people of Palestine are asking us to do.
“We just want to thank everybody for doing the work they are doing. There are lots of groups about Belfast doing their bit for Palestine and we would like to thank everyone who came out to the march and encourage them to keep doing their bit.