ARDOYNE in North Belfast has become the latest place to be visited by a comedian who gives his own unique take on what life is like in different parts of the country.

‘Black Paddy’ – whose real name Fabu-D – features in viral videos on his Facebook page as he travels across Ireland.

Fabu-D became a comedian after graduating from university and has since MCed at over 150 events. He has amassed over half a million followers on his Facebook page.

Originally from Nigeria, he makes videos about the experience of African people in Ireland which have been featured by the Lad Bible, Worldstar Hip-Hop and Unilad.

In his videos of places across Ireland, he chats to locals and visits places of interests in each area, often with his catchphrase 'what's the story?' and 'what's the craic?'

In his latest video in Ardoyne, the comedian visits Crumlin Star and the Shamrock in search of a good pint of Guinness.

He also chats with people in local businesses at Ardoyne Shops and visits Ardoyne Youth Club.

Speaking about his visit, Fabu-D said: "What an experience, my new favourite place!

"I will be back, the cheapest Guinness in Ireland. Ardoyne, thanks so much for the welcome. I am so grateful."