Before signing off for the Christmas break, pupils and staff from Blessed Trinity College completed a winter fundraising effort for three local charities.

The North Belfast school welcomed representatives from NI Hospice, St Vincent De Paul and the Community Foodbank in Ardoyne this week to present cheques after a total of £2,000 was raised.

The Community Foodbank received £1,000 with St Vincent De Paul and NI Hospice each receiving £500.

Acting Principal Bernadette Lyttle said: "We were delighted to be able to recognise the invaluable work of these three charities by presenting them all with cheques.

"We recently celebrated World Kindness Day in conjunction with the NI Hospice’s campaign Kindness Counts. Kindness is a key component of our daily interactions with each other in Blessed Trinity, and so it was very natural for us to work collaboratively with the Hospice on this campaign again this year.

Michael, Jenni and Ciara present Leanne from NI Hospice with a cheque for £500

Michael, Jenni and Ciara present Leanne from NI Hospice with a cheque for £500

"The Community Foodbank have been so supportive of our efforts to assist families and our community, providing such an amazing service to the whole of North Belfast.

"In addition, our newly formed BTC Social Action Group and our student SVP Youth Group have both been working tirelessly to support people who are in need through the work of St Vincent De Paul, collecting coats for a winter collection as well as organising BTC Boutique to raise both funds and awareness of the value of pre-loved clothes. 

"Indeed, we have recently been awarded a distinction in our Spirit of Catholic Education Award which this year was based on Social Justice. Care at the heart of our school community continues to go from strength to strength."