BOG Meadows visitors have been encouraged to report any dead birds at the site as the Avian Influenza continues to impact wild birds and commercial poultry across Ireland.
The Falls Road beauty spot has thus far managed to avoid the bird flu which has devastated bird populations in other parts of the city.
Ulster Wildlife, which cares for the nature reserve, has asked visitors to avoid feeding birds in its pond and to report dead birds to the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA).
The Bog Meadows in the heart of the Falls
Last week, Belfast City Council was forced to close the Waterworks in North Belfast due to an outbreak of bird flu. Before the closure, park users looked on in horror as 'distressed' swans at the park suffered and died.
Ulster Wildlife Community Engagement Officer, Deborah McLaughlin, reported that the Bog Meadows has been un-impacted by the virus, but urged vigilance amongst visitors.
"Thankfully we haven't seen any evidence of any diseased birds down here yet," she said.
"We have put a post on our social media channel asking people if they see any sick birds or dead birds, obviously to not touch them or go near them, to contact ourselves or the DAERA helpline.
A dying swan in the Waterworks last week
"At our public pond we have a sign up about not feeding the birds, and we're going to ask people to not interact with the birds at all.
"If we get a case of Avian Flu then things might change and we have to involve DAERA, the Environmental Health Officer, and follow all the proper procedures. Hopefully for us it won't get to that stage."
As well as a range of garden variety birds and the occasional raptor, the Bog Meadows is frequented by several wader and water fowl species, including swans.
"We would usually have a pair of swans that come every year in spring, but they haven't been around in a while," Deborah added.
"I'm hoping that they stay away because it has been affecting mainly swans and geese up in the Waterworks. I'm hoping that we don't get any visitors down from the Waterworks, but any bird could introduce it – it's not just restricted to those species."
The Bog Meadows is a popular spot for bird watchers who come to view an array of birds in the pond such as coots, moorhens, egrets, grey heron, grebes, mallard and tufted ducks.
Anyone who finds a dead or visibly sick wild bird at Bog Meadows is encouraged to contact Ulster Wildlife on 07703673225, or the DAERA Helpline on 0300 200 7840.