A WEST Belfast councillor is calling for a filter light to be installed at a busy Falls junction. 

Sinn Féin councillor Claire Canavan has written to the Department for Infrastructure about the traffic lights at the junction of Falls Road and Springfield Road.

"I am receiving complaints about how difficult it is to turn right from the Falls Road to head up the Springfield Road as there is always a steady flow of traffic coming down the Falls Road on the other lane," she explained.

"A lot of times the only way drivers can make the right turn is if they turn quickly as the light is turning red. This is dangerous. This is an extremely busy road and if a car needs to turn right it causes a huge build up of traffic.

"Vehicles are starting to use the side residential streets as a shortcut as well which is dangerous. These streets aren't built for high volumes of traffic.

"A filter light would help resolve this issue."