COMMEMORATIVE badges have been made to mark the 50th anniversary of the first IRA volunteer from Ardoyne A Company to die on active service.

Patrick McAdorey (24) was shot dead during a gun battle with the British Army on Alliance Avenue in Ardoyne on August 9, 1971.

The badges have been produced by Ardoyne , Bone and Ligoniel Republican Ex-Prisoners group, with all proceeds going to the upkeep of the Garden of Remembrance in Ardoyne.


Jackie Donnelly from the group explained: “Paddy McAdorey was the first volunteer from Ardoyne A Company to die on active service.

“Paddy was shot dead during a gun battle defending his beloved Ardoyne people from attacks by British army, RUC and loyalist gunmen on the morning that internment was introduced in the North of Ireland, August 9, 1971 .

“It is hard to believe that it was 50 years ago.

“To celebrate and commemorate his 50th anniversary a good friend of the Republican family, Paul Murphy has produced and donated this badge with instructions that all proceeds from the sale of these badges goes to the upkeep of our Garden of Remembrance.

“It is a most welcome and appreciated gesture.

“These badges will be sold at £5 each and can be purchased from myself through private message on Facebook. As there is a limited number they will be sold on a first come basis.

“Go raibh maith agat agusfanacht sábháilte gach duine.”