PUPILS from St Clare's Primary School enjoyed a visit from the NI Commissioner for Children and Young People Chris Quinn, where he heard about the school's work on children's rights.
The Cupar Street school has become advocates for teaching pupils of all ages at the school about rights for children, including UN Convention Law.
During a discussion, Chris discussed a range of issues with the pupils.
Principal Cathal O’Doherty said he was delighted to welcome Chris to the school.
"I was listening to Chris on the radio a month or two ago and he was talking about the rights of the child," he explained.
"We are very involved in rights for children at the school and I thought it would be a great opportunity to invite him along to speak to the children. We teach it in every class and year group of the school.
"We also have a very diverse school here with 120 newcomer pupils from over 22 countries.
"We feel it is important to instil children's rights from a young age."
Chris Quinn added: "I was really impressed with the knowledge of the pupils at the school. They knew all about the UN Convention and some of the articles in it.
"Part of my job is to educate children and young people about their rights and let them know that they exist.
"St Clare's Primary School is steps ahead in this field. It is unbelievable.
"The children were so engaged in the conversation I had with them. I was so impressed."