FORMED in 1987, Dunlewey Addiction Services is this year celebrating 35 years of providing specialist counselling and training services to those experiencing addiction issues.

Based on the Cavehill Road, it was originally formed in the Divis area of West Belfast when a flat was converted into an office to counter the increasing use of drugs and misuse of alcohol.

Dunlewey Addiction Services has grown ever since to be regarded as one of the leading authorities in the area of substance misuse and gambling addiction.

Director Pauline Campbell spoke more about the work of Dunlewey Addiction Services.

"Addiction is when it not only impacts on the individual's life but their family members as well," she explained.

"We have a number of programmes in place, including counselling, recovery and training.

"We have a highly-skilled and qualified staff team with a proven track record for delivery in the field of addiction and this is coupled with community networks, contacts and links that we have developed over years of hard work.

"We appreciate the confidential and sensitive nature of the support we provide and always work to be approachable, friendly and professional in all aspects of our services."

Pauline says the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic was huge on service users, which had led to many more people seeking help and support.

"We had to close the building but continued with Zoom, WhatsApp and telephone to stay in contact with our service users," she said. "We saw an increase in alcohol referrals and unfortunately relapse as well. We continued to work the whole way during the lockdowns.

"Face-to-face meetings are back now but we have a long waiting list.

"Covid made it difficult for people to come forward and get help with their addictions because they were stuck at home so much."

Pauline says the work at Dunlewey Addiction Services can help tackle the stigma surrounding addiction.

"The important thing is that individuals find the courage to seek help with their addictions. I think everyone knows someone who has suffered with an addiction, particularly alcohol or drugs.

"The support and guidance through their journey is key.

"Funding is a key issue for us. We receive funding from a number of sources including Public Health Agency and Department for Health and obviously budgets and things like that dictate when money can be released.

"I am very passionate in working with people who have addictions and that they choose the right path and treatment for them.

"I am very privileged to work with people who are vulnerable and then to see the strength that they have in facing their addiction and living a life they want without the constraints of addiction is very rewarding.

"Many of our service users want to give back to us.

"I hope we will still be here in another 35 years and develop and grow what we already do.

"We are seeing new trends and types of addiction which we will have to develop programmes for such as Crypto currency and gambling and people who are addicted to vaping."

Dunlewey Addiction Services will celebrate 35 years later this year with a celebratory event, a Gala Ball which will be held in City Hall in August.

The event will bring together 300 service-users and supporters from across the North to celebrate recovery and the organisation's milestone anniversary.

A recent sponsored 5km walk in April saw £1,200 raised in support of the Gala Ball.


Pauline added: "It has been an honour and a privilege to have worked for 35 years within this field with very courageous people, professionally supporting them on their recovery journey.

"Some of our service users have experienced very challenging times and many of them will be celebrating with us at the Gala Ball, demonstrating the power of resilience."

Dunlewey Addiction Services

247 Cavehill Road


BT15 5BS

Tel: 028 9039 2547