CONNECTED Health have entered a new partnership with Clonard Credit Union.

As a partner Connected Health – the leading home care provider in the North – is able to offer all employees an opportunity to sign up to the Clonard Credit Union, no matter where they live.  It only takes £2 to open an account as an adult and just £1 to open an account for a child. 

Claire Adams, Operational Manager, Connected Health said: "This partnership encourages our people to save regularly and avail of loans should the need arise.

"We believe in encouraging the next generation to save too and for every new child account opened the Credit Union will give them a £5 deposit too."

What are the benefits:

  • Affordable loans & Instant Access Savings Account
  • Interest rebate on loans
  • Full banking service; interest earning current account, CCU debit card, online & mobile banking app, direct debit/standing order
  • Benefits/salary etc can be paid directly into Instant Access Account
  • Free Insurance - Loan protection and Life saving insurance
  • Free Death Benefit Insurance

For more information on the scheme Connected Health are holding an open day in their Park Centre office as well as Armagh, East Belfast, Newtownabbey and Limavady offices on Tuesday 27th February from 12noon to 5pm or for more information, visit