WEST Belfast boy Dáithí Mac Gabhann has arrived in England for heart surgery which could allow him to get back on the waiting list for a much-needed transplant.

The six-year-old Ballymurphy boy has been on the heart transplant waiting list since 2018 and his family have tirelessly campaigned for the legislation on organ donation to be changed to help increase the number of donors.

Dáithí’s Law – a life-saving organ donation legislation named after the six-year-old – became law on June 1. The law introduced a soft opt-out system whereby people are automatically organ donors unless they state otherwise. 

Last month, it was revealed that Dáithí had been “temporarily suspended” from the transplant list “due to a few unresolved issues".

The Donate4Dáithí group has told followers on social media that a date for a vital medical procedure has been set for this week.

On Wednesday morning, Dáithí arrived in Newcastle in England and will undergo a cardiac catheter on Thursday, which will hopefully get him back active on the heart transplant waiting list.