We look back at the stories that were making the headlines in the Andersonstown News this week in 1980

Christine McSherry and Angela Quirk win 10-12-year-old tin-whistle duo at the Andersonstown Feis this week back in 1980
Taxi fares up – but passengers are down
THE Falls Taxi Association have just announced an increase in taxi fares, and a decrease in the number of passengers each taxi will carry.
From tomorrow, Friday 16 May, no taxi will be permitted to carry more than six passengers, and the present fare will be increased by 5p from the same date.
A short journey for an adult will cost 20p and a long journey 25p. Pensioners’ and children’s fares will cost 10p during the day and 15p after 7 o’clock in the evening, and all day Saturday and Sunday. The adult fare to Twinbrook will be 30p while children and pensioners will be charge 15p at all times, Saturday and Sunday included.
Pick-up point for Twinbrook taxi has been moved from Barrack Street to Castle Street, and drivers will be expected to make a Twinbrook journey in rotation.
The Association hopes that the passengers will understand the necessity for this small increase in fares to offset the reduction in passenger load, which in turn should lead to safer, more comfortable and quicker journeys.

Gerard Zemrowsky, Annette Graham, Louise Enright, Martini Guthrie, Suzanne Davidson and Liam Gallagher at the Andersonstown Feis
EDITORIAL: Hume and Haughey on Brit withdrawal
BOTH John Hume and Charles Haughey are once again calling on Britain to go. But watch out! Hume has this week asked the British Prime Minister to withdraw the ‘constitutional guarantee to Unionists’.
This is asking Britain to stop standing in the way of democracy in Ireland because the constitutional guarantee means that Unionists can hold the Irish people to ransom – which is what they have always done. However, we know these men, John Hume in particular from away back. Hume came into politics on Nationalist people’s votes, on a civil rights ticket. Although he has declared Irish re-unification to be his ultimate aim, every one of his political acts strengthens Britain’s hold on Ireland and bolsters further the unjust, undemocratic and illegal position held by the Loyalists minority.
Insofar as he is interested in Ireland at all (now that he has become a ‘respected’ member of the European Parliament), Hume appears to be working to maintain a divided Ireland. Unity, he says, will only come by consent – ie, the consent of the Unionist minority – a consent that they’ll never give – naturally!
Hume know this. Anyone born and reared in Derry knows it; and his acquaintance with Loyalist politicians must convince him that the message must be laid on the line for Unionists if justice is to be done.
But, given his past record, we have no reason to suppose that he, or his party, will insist on seeing justice done. Like Jack Lynch (and Haughey as far as we know), he has made the appropriate noises to satisfy the Nationalist people’s desire for what is right. His duty has been fulfilled along those lines and, presumably, he’s now in a position to negotiate the best deal for himself, and (maybe) for some of the SDLP people in Britain’s latest set-up (or ‘initiative’ as it used to be called away back in 1973.)

Pat Lavery and Jim Denver, teachers at St Oliver Plunkett School, with Under-12 five-a-side football tournament winners
ST Agnes’ Choral Society’s presentation of My Fair Lady in the Arts Theatre this week has been so successful that the musical is to be presented again next week.
Within two or three days of booking opening, every single ticket for the week was sold out and the Arts Theatre director Jim White asked the Choral Society to represent the show next Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
In view of the many people disappointed, the Society agreed to do a return performance.

Pat Rice, manager Andersonstown Leisure Centre, makes a presenation to Under-16 five-a-side football tournament winners