THE annual Féile an Phobail flagship Carnival Parade will take the theme of 'Our Children, Their Rights' this year.
The colourful event – which gets bigger every year – will take place on Saturday, August 3, assembling at Dunville Park at 12 noon before departing at 1pm.
The parade will end at Spórtlann na hÉireann on the Falls Road with the Party in the Park featuring loads of family entertainment and a live concert featuring The Falls.
Through the usual carnival atmosphere, the Carnival Parade will celebrate our children while at the same time highlighting the complete absence of children's rights in conflicts around the world, particularly those in Palestine.
Kevin Morrison, Féile's Community Engagement Manager, explained: "It is our flagship community event of Féile. We are inviting groups from across the community from the arts and sports sector to take part to celebrate the positivity and all that is good about West Belfast.
"The theme this year is children and their rights which around the world is being abused, particularly in Palestine.
"We want to celebrate the positivity of our community but also an opportunity to show our solidarity with children across the world.
"We want to encourage any community, sport, cultural and arts group to get involved and take part in the parade.
Lucia Herald and Fiadh McNerney are looking forward to the Carnival Parade
"To the wider community, to families and children, come out on August 3 and enjoy the parade. Afterwards, we will have our Party in the Park event which is being held in the Spórtlann na hÉireann with loads of family entertainment."
Margaret McCann from Carnival Chaos is leading preparations for the big day.
"I am responsible for making costumes and props for the parade," she said. "I work with other artists to build the bigger structures and props for the parade.
"The other artists work with community groups across the city who are taking part in the carnival. We have a choreographer as well this year working with groups on dance moves.
"The excitement is building. Preparation has been under way since May and we will be working right up to the week of the event."
The parade is open to all groups and individuals to attend such as sporting, community, youth, arts, dance groups, training providers and local businesses.
Registration is essential for participating groups. The deadline for parade registration is Friday, July 26. Contact Joe at or call 028 9560 9984.