AN area of disused land in the Grosvenor area of West Belfast is to be transformed into a state-of-the-art community and nature hub.

The site at the bottom of Distillery Street had historically been the site of a so-called anti-internment bonfire in the past as well as a hotspot for anti-social behaviour. Now, the area is to be benefit from regeneration after it was named as one of the projects to receive PEACEPLUS funding.

Local Sinn Féin councillor Tina Black said the community deserves a high quality usable space.

"This area of Distillery Street is a very valued open green space but it is not being used by the community the way it is now," she explained. "The community deserve a high quality usable and safe space, especially for children and families.

"This redevelopment project has been a long time coming. The site has been overlooked for many years.

“It’s fantastic news that money has been allocated through PEACEPLUS which will see land transformed into a first-class, family friendly community hub.

“This is a significant investment in our community and will see the introduction of a community events space, a nature play area, improvements to the area’s drainage and much more.

"The project is going to be focused on nature, water sustainability, natural play, walking paths and cycling routes."

Cllr Black said the new nature hub, designed alongside the community, will "be an amazing space for families to enjoy and learn in".

“I’ll continue working to ensure local communities can access safe, modern, welcoming and open green spaces," she said. "We are delighted to secure funding through the PEACEPLUS initiative. I want to thank all the partners who helped secure the funding.

"I expect work to start next year, if not before."