RESIDENTS living in the Poleglass area who have been affected by a foul odour since as far back as 2018 say that they still believe it to be coming from Natural World Products (NWP) despite the regulator being unable to pinpoint a source.
Last week, we visited the site and met with NWP CEO Colm Warren, who told us of the work they are doing to try and combat any odour coming from their site, where food and garden waste from local authorities and businesses across the North are composted.
But Colinbrook resident Thomas O’Donnell described how he had to cancel BBQs in the summer due to the odour and how he had to keep his windows closed.
“For the last three years, the summer has been particularly bad,” he said. “We haven’t been able to enjoy our property in the way we should. I have lived here for the last 17 years and have never experienced anything like this.
“There were evenings where we would be sitting out, enjoying whatever sunshine we get in this country and then we were hit with this odour. Initially I had no idea where it was coming from but then I began to suspect Natural World Products as it was a very distinct odour which is very different to what others have experienced with Mullaghglass.
“You can’t enjoy your evenings, you can’t have a BBQ. When the odour comes it stays for a few hours and it got to the point where you were having to go indoors during the summer and closing your windows. Even then, when it has been at its worst you are having to light Yankee Candles to mask it with the windows closed.”
Thomas said that he has been reporting the odour as far back as 2018 and had come to fear the arrival of hot weather and the smell that came with it.
“The odour hasn’t been as strong in recent weeks but when it hits, it does have a big impact,” he said.
People Before Profit Councillor Michael Collins told us that he has received a number of complaints about the odour with complainants believing it to be emanating from the Glenside Road site.

"I have asked Council to disclose the number of complaints received regarding the issue in recent months,” he said. “I have also requested that Council prioritise the BT17 area as a target location for extra air quality monitoring devices. This will help ascertain if there remains a disproportionate problem of air pollution in the Colin area and I will update residents about this in due course.  

“Our community successfully campaigned for the closure of Mullaghglass landfill, which had plagued residents for too long. We cannot allow another problem site to emerge in our area.

“People Before Profit will work to ensure any ongoing issue of air pollution is thoroughly addressed."
A Belfast City Council spokesperson told us that they had no further updates since they told us back in August that they were working with the Environment Agency to deal with complaints received from residents.
“Any complaints or reports would still be for DAERA and NI Environment Agency to investigate as the regulators for the site,” the Council said. “Any additional measures to manage odour would also be a matter for DAERA/NIEA to agree with the site operator, according to the current regulations in place around industrial emissions.”

A spokesperson for the NIEA said: “The Northern Ireland Environment Agency is aware of odour issues which have been brought to the attention of local councils and the Agency by a number of residents in the area. 

“Natural World Products Ltd, Glenside Road, is one of several regulated sites in the area that holds a PPC Waste Permit for their operations. NIEA are continuing to monitor the issues on a regular basis and investigate any complaints received. 
“This involves undertaking site inspections and carrying out odour assessments in the community. NIEA are also engaging with operators of regulated processes in the area with a view to pinpointing the sources of odours and putting in place measures to address them.”