BELFAST High Court has ruled that the Public Prosecution Service (PPS) failed to take a decision to charge two members of the RUC with the killing of Pearse Jordan on the Falls Road in November 1992.

Pearse Jordan was shot dead by a covert RUC unit on 25 November 1992 after the car he was driving was rammed by a police vehicle. As he ran from the car, Pearse Jordan was shot in the back and killed.

Mr Jordan was a Volunteer in the IRA but was not armed with either a gun or explosives as was falsely claimed by the RUC after his killing.

Relatives for Justice (RFJ) said the ruling was welcomed and it will now give leave for Pearse's mother Teresa Jordan to challenge the PPS and argue there were "significant lapses" in properly assessing and applying prosecution criteria concerning two former RUC members implicated in Pearse's shooting.

This ruling comes from referrals made by the coroner in 2016, after inconsistencies and unconvincing testimony from both officers involved in the incident were discovered.

The coroner's investigation at the time revealed that the officers had tampered with logs immediately after the killing and in doing so possibly also committed perjury in an attempt to pervert the course of justice.

Teresa Jordan and Pearse's brother Matt have steadfastly pursued truth and justice since 1992, Pearse's father Hugh Jordan passed away in 2020 after fighting for truth and accountability for his son for 28 years.