PALM Sunday marked the beginning of Holy Week. For many Christians this is an extremely significant week as we begin to reflect on the journey to the cross.
I can’t help think about how Holy Week was both beautifully human and divine. This would be the week when the disciples would betray, doubt, argue over who is the greatest, deny the One whom they chose to follow, and even draw a sword to cut the ear of a soldier.
This would be the same week when Jesus would wash feet, cry, ask for another way, serve His final meal, and be beaten, abandoned and crucified. And yet before He draws His final breath, He cries out, ‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they do’ and declared ‘It is finished.’


What a week! The messiness and the meaning of life is captured in this week. The Holy and Unholy is captured in this week. The upside-down Kingdom of God is captured in this week.
Nothing appeared right. Nothing appeared normal. Nothing appeared to make sense.
In the ancient world, leaders would ride horses as a symbol of power and authority during times of war. But if the leader wanted to declare peace they would arrive on a donkey.
On Palm Sunday, Jesus arrived in Jerusalem…
Not on a horse. But on a donkey.
The One who was and is peace.
The One who washed feet.
The One who crossed all boundaries.
The One who was on His way to die for His enemies.
The One who was a carpenter-was now building a table where everyone is welcome.
As we begin this week, the journey to the cross reminds us that God is not distant and aloof. He is with us on our journey. He is in the hurt, pain, mess, and the highs and lows of our crazy lives. Our world is longing for light to break into the darkness, for hope when all seems hopeless, and healing for brokenness.
The story of the cross teaches us about God’s unconditional love, forgiveness, and grace for humanity.
Jesus said: ‘I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.’ (John 10:10.)
I pray you have a blessed Holy Week.