CELEBRATED West Belfast lensman and mental health campaigner John Mallon has launched his annual photographic calendar in aid of local charities.

John first took up photography during a battle with his own mental health issues. He has since used his talent with a camera to inspire those facing similar struggles to seek help, and now publishes a yearly calendar to raise awareness of mental health charities.

Proceeds from the calendar have gone to help local homelessness charities and foodbanks.

John, who runs a stall in the Kennedy Centre showcasing his work and highlighting mental health support, launched the 'Beauty on our Doorstep' calendar for 2025 on Friday with the help of Lord Mayor Micky Murray, award-winning actor James Martin and West Belfast MP Paul Maskey.

Speaking about the calendar, John said: "Everyone knows my own personal journey with mental health. 15 years ago I was in a very dark place and I came within seconds of taking my own life but thankfully I asked for help.

"I always say my biggest regret is not asking for help sooner because I could have saved myself a lot of pain and suffering.

Philip McTaggart, Paul Maskey MP, John Mallon and Councillor Tomás Ó Néill

Philip McTaggart, Paul Maskey MP, John Mallon and Councillor Tomás Ó Néill

"I have had people tell me they too asked for help because of the calendar.

"The launch of this year’s calendar is a real celebration of life.

"The calendar now has taken on a life of its own. I designed the calendar to try and help people and to save lives by including contact numbers of the organisations.

"The calendar now goes across the world every year."

John says he's constantly surprised and delighted by the reaction to his work.

"The amount of people that tell me how much joy they get from the calendar is amazing.The public support has blown me away.

"My 2025 calendar includes a range of some of my favourite images. January is a picture of a robin because it is such a dull month and it helps cheer them up. December has a nice image of Belfast City Hall at Christmas with the market happening.

"Every picture I hope people can relate to. Some are of places in Ireland people may have gone on holiday. It really is a true saying that every picture tells a story.

"I want to thank Dennis and Aidan at Nova Print for all their hard work in helping to produce the calendar."

John presented £300 to a number of charities featured in the calendar including PIPS Charity, Suicide Awareness and Support Group and Lighthouse. He is also donating money to pay for for 250 meals to feed the homeless on Christmas Day.

Mr Maskey thanked John on behalf of everyone in West Belfast for the work that he does to help and support people.