SDLP Deputy Leader and North Belfast candidate Nichola Mallon has pledged that a vote for her party would expand the basic entitlement to free pre-school childcare for working parents from 12.5 hours to 30 hours per week. 

The outgoing Infrastructure Minister said that the proposal would reduce in-work poverty, enable parents to re-enter the workforce and address the most significant burden placed on families outside of housing costs. 

“Providing good quality, free childcare is one of the most valuable moves that politicians must make to reduce the financial strain on working families," she said.

"With working parents across Northern Ireland struggling to heat their homes and feed their children right now, people have been failed time and time again.

“A vote for the SDLP will be a vote to see the delivery of an increase in the basic entitlement to free pre-school childcare from 12.5 hours to 30 hours per week."

Ms Mallon added that after housing costs are taken into account, childcare is the number one financial burden on working families.

"Report after report has clearly demonstrated that the prohibitive cost of good quality childcare places people closer to poverty, increases reliance on food banks and forces too many women out of work to take on caring responsibilities full time. This is not the type of society the SDLP wants us to be," she continued.

“The SDLP is clearly saying that we won't put up with that any longer. We will put working people first by increasing their entitlement to childcare on a flexible basis across the working week. 

“This is about addressing inequality and injustice for families that are working every hour they can, often taking on extra shifts or second jobs, to make ends meet. No one should be forced into that position.

"More SDLP MLAs and SDLP Ministers will deliver better services for families across our society. We will put people first after years of other parties only putting themselves first. Let’s change who is in charge and vote SDLP 5 May.”