SEVERAL Moyard residents have issued a desperate plea for a solution to flooding linked to the ongoing construction of a social housing development near their homes. 

The building of 14 new social homes in Moyard Parade has seen excess rainwater cascade down into homes in nearby Moyard Crescent. 

Residents, who have described the flooding as a "nightmare", have appealed for statutory agencies and the developer, Choice Housing, to address the issue. 

Eileen Teer, whose property has experienced constant flooding, said: "The problem started when they started building, but it has become a big problem over the past couple of months. 

"I had to get the Housing Executive out in August to fit a wee gully, which is taking some of the water away, but the side of my house is soaked. The front of the house is drenched because the water is constantly running through the walls. 

"It's terrible. Absolutely terrible."

Local Sinn Féin Councillor Michael Donnelly said there have been issues with the development since work began.

"We've had Choice out a few times, and we've raised the issues with them a few times. Some of those things have been addressed, but then it's back to the start again where we're having to address the same problems.

"This issue of flooding of local residents homes due to a buildup of excess rainwater is causing serious damage. The water is gushing from the building site, it's going under the foundations, into people's back gardens and right out into the front of the street.

"It's a real issue that we want to get rectified before any lasting damage is done."

He added: "The contractors, Bell Contracts, have told us that they've pleaded with NI Water to put a pipe in, which will deviate water away from residents' back gardens. It's crucial that this happens ASAP. We don't want the same problem as we're coming into the cold snap, where it's going to become an ice rink for a lot of these elderly pensioners who have to come through it to get their bins out."

Cllr Donnelly also called on the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) to clear the gullies at the front of homes on Moyard Crescent, which have exacerbated the flooding due to blockages.


A Choice Housing spokesperson said: "We are aware of an ongoing matter with an accumulation of rainwater on the site, which the appointed Contractor, Bell Contracts, are addressing by pumping water off site as a temporary measure.

"An application was made to NI Water in December 2020, to seek approval to connect the new build drainage system into the existing storm water sewer.  This application is currently being processed by NI Water.  The Association’s Design Team have been in contact with NI Water seeking to expedite the application and ultimately resolve this matter.”

An NI Water spokesperson said: "We have recently completed the design of a storm sewer to serve the development. We are in the process of advising the developer of the costs associated with the construction of this sewer. Delivery of the sewer will commence when the developer and NI Water have concluded these discussions.

"Where a developer commences construction of a sewer in advance of the provision of the necessary services, it is the responsibility of the developer to ensure that there is adequate temporary provision in place to deal with the drainage from the site until NI Water can provide the required offsite sewers.”

A DfI spokesperson said: “Moyard Crescent was resurfaced in early 2021 and as part of this scheme the gullies were cleaned and older gully pots replaced.  Under the Department’s current maintenance regime road gullies are normally cleaned on an annual basis and so this area would be scheduled for maintenance early next year.  However, in view of the reports of severe flooding officials will arrange for the gullies and road drainage systems to be inspected and cleaned if necessary.”