A NUMBER of organisations in North Belfast have been awarded funding from The National Lottery Community Fund. 

174 Trust, based on the Antrim Road, will deploy a £19,423 grant over two years to support the personal development of local young people who have a learning disability, physical disabilities, autism or sight loss.

The project will increase confidence and independence through activities which bring the young people together with the local community including litter picking and learning about wildlife at a nature reserve and planning a tea dance for older people at a local care home. 

Ardbone Festival is using a £10,000 grant to host a community festival in the Ardoyne and Bone area. The festival will promote community wellbeing and includes football tournaments, good relations events, music, drama and exercise classes.  

The Women’s Tec, based in Chichester Avenue will use a £20,000 grant over two years to run workshops for young women from local schools to teach them about DIY, construction skills, car maintenance and other practical skills. The project will also explore gender equality and encourage the young people to consider careers in industries where women are underrepresented.