AN Ardoyne teenager has been recognised by his former school after turning his life around.

Pearse Doherty (17) was crowned winner of the National Ascential Education Award for the 2023 Prince’s Trust and TK Maxx and Homesense Awards.

Pearse grew up in Ardoyne and began his school life at an Irish medium school, where he was diagnosed with ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD).

When Pearse was nine-years-old, he was transferred to another school which was better placed to support his additional needs. However, the change made Pearse feel as though he was being left behind. 

“I just couldn’t focus on work, no matter how hard I tried," he said.

"I felt embarrassed and anxious all the time, so I would mess about to cover this up. I didn’t think I could achieve anything, because how could I achieve or have a bright future if I couldn’t focus?”

Later, Pearse moved to St Vincent’s Centre, a centre for pupils with a statement of special educational needs, for social, behavioural, emotional and wellbeing difficulties.

In 2020, he was introduced to The Prince’s Trust Achieve programme. At the start of this first year of study, Pearse learned he was going to become a dad at 14-years-old.

“Becoming a dad changed everything – I really wanted to turn my life around and be the best that I can be for my daughter and my family," he said.

Pearse then received the heartbreaking news that his 19-year-old brother, Odhran had taken his own life last year.

Despite the challenges Pearse had faced, he went on to achieve eight Level 2 qualifications, equivalent to eight GCSEs A*-C. 

Pearse is now studying towards his next goal, which is to become a qualified youth worker, and also hopes to move onto a degree in youth work. 

“There are lots of young people in my community who don’t have a positive role model and I know I can help with this," he continued. "I want to reach people like my brother, and to become a senior youth worker. I think making a community better needs to start with its young people and I want to do this.”

This week, St Vincent's Centre hosted their annual 'Celebration of Success', which recognises the efforts and attainments of their pupils with special recognition for Pearse.

Brenda McMenamin, Pearse’s former teacher at the St Vincent’s Centre said his achievements were "remarkable".

"For children like Pearse, the Princes's Trust programme allows them to come in at their own level, work at their own speed and shows them that success is not beyond their reach. It helps them to develop life skills and instils the belief that they do have a bright future ahead of them.

Nancy Parks (Ascential) and Pearse Doherty

Nancy Parks (Ascential) and Pearse Doherty

"Pearse engaged fully in all learning activities and excelled in this and all his qualifications with us.

"This is a remarkable achievement given the many barriers he had to overcome along the way. Pearse has ADHD and features of Oppositional Defiance Disorder. He became a dad at age 14 in the first year of his Prince’s Trust qualification. In his second year, he lost his beloved brother Odhrán (19) to suicide.

"Pearse used these difficult life experiences to motivate himself to try harder and become better. His powerful resilience and determination shone through. He left us at the end of year 12 with the equivalent of eight GCSEs grade A*-C.

"We at St Vincent’s are all immensely proud of him. It has been a huge honour to have had the opportunity to play a small role in Pearce’s journey, as his Prince’s Trust tutor."