THERE was laughter on the final day of the Clonard Solemn Novena on Thursday after a petition was read out calling for England to be "put out of the Euros".

The clip, which has been shared widely on social media, was from the 6.45am Mass this morning.

The special nine days of prayers and petitions at the annual Novena sees thousands attend the Falls monastery, bringing together the faithful from far and wide. Petitions are written by Mass-goers asking Our Lady to help them with any issues they may be facing in their lives.

As petitions were read out this morning, Fr Carlos Diego Gutierrez from Spain noted a final "funny" request received.

"Dear Mother of Perpetual Help, put England out of the Euros," he read. "We still hear about 1966 and will never hear the end of it."

The petition was signed by A Loving Daughter "with a sense of humour".

"PS, I have been praying to Pio as well," she wrote.