THE Principal of John Paul II Primary School on the Whiterock Road is hanging up his duster and retiring from teaching today.

In a letter to parents, Raymond Hunter said the last ten years working in the school has been a "wonderful experience and has been a privilege" to be part of the lives of children in their formative years. 

"I led this school with a great sense of pride from its beginning to this, it's tenth anniversary," he said. "There have been many challenging times, yet in the final analysis I would never have changed working here for the world. I have loved every crazy minute of it!

"As a community, you have provided great support for what we do as a school, and whilst I find personal credit somewhat uncomfortable as it's always a team effort, on this occasion, I will personally take some credit for what we have built in the school and in the community.

"It is often said that it's the school principal who sets the mood, the tone and the standards. For better or worse, I take full responsibility for this and it will be up to you to judge how much this has meant to you and to your children, past and present."

Raymond said he leaves with a "heavy heart".

"No matter what role we play in supporting and enhancing the life chances and opportunities for your child, each one of us is merely passing through; it's now time for the school to have a new ship's captain. The 'cruise' will continue; Miss McIntyre will command this ship and you will all leave port again in September on another leg of your journey. 

As a past pupil of St Teresa's Primary School and the Christian Brothers Secondary School, Glen Road, my educational life has been framed by experiences in this part of West Belfast.

"I have been involved in providing support for some of the planning for next term yet it's now up to Miss McIntyre and the school management team to make decisions for the future. School governors will address the issue of a permanent replacement for me in the new year. You placed your trust in the school from those first steps in primary one and I know that you will continue to help and support the school in the years ahead. 

"As a past pupil of St Teresa's Primary School and the Christian Brothers Secondary School, Glen Road, my educational life has been framed by experiences in this part of West Belfast. I am very grateful to both schools for helping me be whatever I am today. You can take the boy out of the west, yet you cannot take the west out of the (old) boy!

"Best wishes for the summer and please don't try that old lark in September of driving up the ramp in the mornings even though I'm not there!

"I'll say a prayer for a safe journey when Miss McIntyre leaves port in September. She may well be Acting Principal, however, if we stay with the analogy of a ship's captain, a word of caution: wear a life vest as she doesn't have a driving licence!

"Forever eternally grateful – and thank you for the memories."