WEST Belfast MLA Gerry Carroll says the removal of Housing Executive intimidation points will "put lives at risk".
Communities Minister Gordon Lyons has said intimidation points will be removed from social housing applications by April. The NI Housing Executive (NIHE) awards these points to social housing applicants who are at serious risk and need immediate rehousing. People who face intimidation can get 200 points.
Many of those who receive the points have been intimidated from their homes by paramilitaries.
Minister Lyons told the Assembly that although intimidation points would be removed, those already awarded these points would retain them.
"It has long been a source of frustration to me, along with many others in the chamber, that the selection scheme treats victims of violence differently, based on the cause of that violence," said Lyons.
"Someone targeted because of their ethnic identity receives more points than someone targeted because of their gender.
"Regardless of causation, victims will be assessed using the same criteria within the housing selection scheme operated by the NIHE."
Gerry Carroll MLA said the blanket removal of intimidation points would put people's lives at risk.
“The purpose of intimidation points is to prioritise the re-housing of people affected by violence or the fear of violence, in recognition of their trauma and urgent need to live in peace and safety," he said.
“There is no doubt that there are significant issues with how intimidation points work in practice, including the fact that victims of domestic abuse are not entitled to them. The solution to these problems is to extend eligibility to all victims of intimidation, including those impacted by domestic abuse. But instead, the Minister has decided to ‘level the playing field’ by taking intimidation points away from everyone.”
Grainia Long, Chief Executive of the Housing Executive, said: "We believe it will enable more appropriate ranking and allocation of social housing for those experiencing violence or risk of violence or domestic abuse whatever the circumstances.
"Removal of intimidation points will, therefore, offer more parity between victims of violence and abuse and those at risk of violence and abuse, regardless of the motivation or source."