THE funeral of Sean Fox, who was gunned down in the Donegal Celtic Social Club earlier this month, has taken place at Christ The Redeemer Church in Lagmore.

The father-of-two was shot up to 20 times by two masked men as over 100 people gathered in the bar to watch the Manchester derby.

Speaking at the funeral, Fr Paddy McCafferty said: "Those who take human life commit a heinous offence against the living God. They break God’s fifth commandment Thou shalt not kill. 

"Those who ordered, planned and carried out this ruthless crime, their fate, if they persist in their sin and wickedness, is the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.

“I must say to those who perpetrated this diabolical atrocity, flee from the wrath that is to come. For, if you will not repent, you most certainly will face the wrath of Almighty God in eternity when you, in your turn, leave this world.

"Beloved Lord, for the sake of your sorrowful Passion have mercy on Sean, have mercy on us, and on the whole world.” 

Sean became the sixteenth person to be killed in a gun related homicide in North and West Belfast over the last ten years.

Police have appealed for anyone with information in his killing to come forward and the independent charity Crimestoppers have offered A £20,000 reward for any information which leads to a conviction. 

Sean Fox's body was taken to Roselawn for cremation after his Requiem Mass. He is survived by his wife Katrina, son Nathan, and his daughter, Megan, parents, John and Anne, and his sisters Nichola and Carrie.