SEARCHES have taken place in Dublin and Sligo today as part of an investigation into the murder of Robbie Lawlor, who was gunned down in Ardoyne in North Belfast in 2020.

Mr Lawlor was shot dead on April 4 2020 in Etna Drive.

Working as part of the Joint Agency Task Force, searches of 12 premises were carried out by An Garda Síochána with support from the Police Service of Northern Ireland.

The joint investigation, which is supported by Eurojust, is led by the Garda National Bureau of Criminal Investigation and the Police Service of Northern Ireland’s Major Investigation Team.

During the course of today’s searches, Gardaí seized a number of electronic devices for further examination.

Robbie Lawlor was well known to gardaí for his involvement in serious and organised crime.

He had over 100 previous convictions and had only been released from prison the December before his killing.