SPRINGVALE Learning in West Belfast has launched a new app and podcast to strengthen its links with students and the local community.

Based on the Springfield Road, Springvale has been operating for 31 years in West Belfast. Working with school leavers through their Skills for Life and Work Programme, the young people then progress onto an apprenticeship programme.

Springvale also work with local businesses to grow training and business opportunities with placements and apprenticeships allowing businesses to grow their business through upskilling new and existing staff for free.

To strengthen their links with the local community, Springvale have launched a new app and podcast. The app will keep you up to date with all the goings on at Springvale, details of courses available, student timetables and much more.

Meanwhile, the podcast will introduce the community to staff at Springvale, the young people themselves and future employers.

David Lockhart, from Springvale explained: "The app is going to be the hub of Springvale Employment and Learning. Everybody in the community can see the courses we offer here and the work that we do.

"For our young people, they can see things like their timetable, their trips and activities.

"There will also be a safeguarding section with important links. We know how important mental health is for our young people so we want to make sure every learner feels secure in our setting.

"As for the podcast, we have started interviewing all the staff team at Springvale, with four up on Spotify already. After the staff participation, the next podcast series will be meeting the young people and to hear about the work that they do and how much Springvale has benefitted them.

"The final series in the podcast will focus on employers, who have taken on some of our young people into the workplace. Both the app and the podcast will improve our connection with our learners and the wider community which is so important."

The Springvale Learning app is available to download currently on the Google Play store.

The Springvale Learning podcast is available to listen and download on Spotify.